Healing with Whole Foods

Chia Seeds – Reduces: inflammation, blood pressure, omega-3 fatty acids.

Flax Seeds – Cancer fighting with Lignan nutrients, high in fiber, lowers cholesterol.

Goji Berries – Antitoxident, stabilizes blood pressure, improves depression.

Raisins – Aids in digestion, boosts iron levels and keeps your bones strong.

Pecans – Contains “good” fats and help lower cholesterol levels.

Pistachios – Promotes healthy gut bacteria. Acts as a prebiotic.

Moroccan Dates – Lower the risk of heart disease, promotes digestion.

Dried Cranberries – Low in calories and aids in maintain healthy body weight.

Chocolate Morsels – Rich in flavonoids, helping to reduce inflamation and improve blood vessel function

Maple Syrup – A natural sweetener, helps prevent cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

Celtic Sea Salt – Balances your electrolytes levels and improves overall health.